
1. Children learn from what surrounds them.
2. If a child is often criticised, it learns how to condemn others.
3. If a child is often praised, it learns how to evaluate others.
4. If a child is shown hostility, it will learn to fight.
5. If you are honest with a child, it will learn the meaning of fairness.
6. If a child is too often derided, he becomes shy.
7. If a child feels safe, it learns to trust people.
8. If a child is too often made to feel shame, it will learn to always feel guilty.
9. If a child is given frequent encouragement, it will have high self-esteem.
10. If a child is condescended to, it will learn patience.
11. If a child is given support, it will be confident.
12. If a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels that others need it, it will learn how to find love.
13. Never speak badly of a child, in its presence or otherwise.
14. Concentrate on nurturing the good in a child. That way, there will be no place left in it for the bad.
15. Always listen to and answer a child’s questions or requests should it approach you.
16. Respect a child even when it makes a mistake. It will be able to correct its error soon enough.
17. Always be ready to help a child who requires assistance, and to stand aside when it’s found everything it needs.
18. Help a child to master things early. This can be done by making sure the world around it is filled with affection, peace, and love.
19. Always display the best manners to a child. Show it how to be the best it can be.