OUR MONTESSORI PROGRAMME ENCOURAGES children to learn at their own pace, regardless of age. Lessons are given individually, and in small groups. In this way, children learn to take turns, listen to others and share. All this is done under the guidance of our qualified and MACTE accredited teachers.
Montessori education emphasizes
  • A child centred community where children learn from each other and because of each other in mulit-age settings.
  • A lovely, child sized "prepared environment" designed to facilitate maximum independent learning and exploration by the child.
  • Individualized learning through the use of attractive, self correcting concrete educational materials developed by Dr. Montessori that invite the child to explore
  • Respect the developing person in each child.
OUR TWO NATURAL AND SPACIOUS OUTDOOR environments include both a flowerbed and a huge vegetable garden! Your child will experience the mysteries and joys of nature helping him/her feel part of the cycle of life. We believe an effective program for your child requires open communication between parents and staff. As such, we consider communication as one of the most important aspects of our relationship.